Friday, September 30, 2011

Install python 2.5 after 2.7

I already have python 2.7, To install python 2.5 without replacing current python installation - 
do -

1) ./configure
2) make altinstall

Svn connector install error in Eclipse

While installing a svn connector in eclipse, an error comes up -

Error resolving hostname

 To resolve this issue -
add the following in ur hosts file.

Saw the solution here -

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bind event on changing selected option using Jquery

Below I am sharing a code , using which we can -

a) add an event
b) remove the event
c) modify the event on changing the option.

First bind the function with change and keyup events (Keyup is required when the user chnges option using his up and down keys)

$("#id").bind('change keyup',function(){

Now, the required function

function required_func(element)
if($(element).val() != "")
var parent = $(element).parent();

                // action = do something 

// Append.
if ( // no action )
// append action
// Update.
// Remove.

Hope this helps..

The important thing is , it takes into consideration all cases
1) on key up
2) removing action
3)modifying action

Monday, August 15, 2011

Parsing Excel sheets in python

Recently, I have used the XLRD library , to parse excel data and save it as a list of dictionaries.

The library can be found here.

To learn its use , easiest reference is here .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Digit Chrome App Developer Contest

I have been trying to build a javascript game "Square -It" on my own, combining facebook api's and real time api's of Websockets / or Google's Channel Api's.

Concept changed into prototype, then into a  limited working design. Today I have a standalone game, which can be played by two players, on a single computer.( big thing.. i know)..I was working for completing the game but I came across this contest Digit- Chrome App Challenge.

I have never tried chrome app development, so i thought , why not now??.. The contest asks for a app in lifestyle / entertainment categories.. and since I have already worked on the game, I have decided to continue with the game as a chrome app.

See ya...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Data Security and Biology

Ive always been fond of comparing computer science and biology fields. I have often visioned that the future of computing will eventually be combined with living organisms . One can see that as we are optimizing the technologies , we are so called "evolutionizing" .Comparing it to mother nature or our brain for instance, we have evolutionized for millions of years. Its practically impossible the near perfection that nature has achieved.

I call nature to be "near perfect" because one can observe several flaws in nature itself. Though one can suggest several explanations for the flaws that I can provide , I feel it is irrelevant here.

I would like to break some news to the readers that a team of 11 students won the prestigious IGem Contest. Their bioencryption project (Yes!! they even coined a new term for it)  proposes a new way to encrypt information - A Bacterial Cryptographic system.

A quick fact on their website shows -

In our system, 1g of E. coli can store max 931,322 GB data.

In comparison, typical hard disk can store 1-4GB/gram.

So, overall they have not only used bacteria for data storage, but also for encryption. A truly innovative approach.

The results shows the whole system of the project to be successful and that proves the viability of the project design.

I hope such projects turn into real, actually implemented systems in near future. I have many ideas revolving around the concept, may be one day ill be designing a similar jaw-dropping application. :D